Tuesday 29 January 2013

Roof blows off the motel

Mini Tornado hits the motel

Yesterday at 4.45pm during a normal storm we had a mini tornado hit us. I was looking through the window to the units in the back to see if everything was ok when an enormous gust?? of wind came through. It was a complete whiteout. I could not see anything and it only lasted for 1 to 2 seconds.
No one else in holbrook had any damage only us. Not even the buildings across the street. but in those couple of seconds it took half the roof off, threw most of it in the front yard, the rest across the street and a couple of sheets on the powerlines.

We had everyone here, police, SES and electricity guys to take the sheets of the powerlines. Unfortunately the ses couldn't put the tarps up straight away as there was rain and lightning around, so we had plenty of water come into the residence. 

here are the photos: