Sunday 12 May 2013

Gold Coast to Bingara

9th May 2013

I left the Gold Coast today and had worked out that I would take 2 days to get back to the motel. As I have been To the Gold Coast from the motel every normal way I decided to take the roads less traveled  The route I planned was to go from the Gold Coast to Warwick, then onto Inglewood and turn off there for Texas and then stop the Night at Bingara. I had heard about Bingara from a ABC documentary about  how the town restored the Roxy theatre and the milk bar next door. You know it was one of those things you put in the back of your mind and think one day I will go there.Well now was the time.

The trip was easy and entertaining as it was country I had not been through before, well, I went to Texas an a school excursion when I was about 15. Do not remember too much about it.

Here is some photos.

Main Street of Texas

So after Texas I headed into NSW,

It was interesting driving along the road but the country is fairly dry at the moment. 

I finally made it to Bingara and I was really surprised with the town . It was clean, welcoming and it had that "Vibe". Really would like to stay there for a longer period to get the real feel of the place. Here is some photos of the town, however the photos of the Roxy and milk bar are blurred. Pity but my eyes must be going.

After a walk around town I went to the free camp on the Gywder River - about 6k's east of town.

At around dusk, there was a couple of fish making a noise in the river, even though the river looked about 1 metre deep.Thinking I was going to be cold, I had read on the internet about making a cheap cooking and heating device. It consists of a colendar with another dish in the middle which holds heat beads. It worked great, cooked my steak and then it heated me for the next couple of hours. Cheap and effective.

Will go back to Bingara one day - Beautiful place

Some info on Bingara

Bingara website

Farewell Geoffrey Robert Lund

6th May 2013

Dad died on the 30th April 2013. It had been a long time since he went into the Nursing Home and the last 12 months had been just surviving - not living. We had talked many times about how it was in there when your body will not work but your mind is spot on.

Well, in the last couple of weeks he deteriorated rapidly, but he was not in  pain. He died at the age of 89 and I am sure it was a relief to him. I was lucky to have said my good byes the last time I was up. 

So his funeral was to be on the 6th of May. we all agreed it was to be a celebration of a life well led, not a mourning over a tragic loss. He would have liked that. 

With Greg having his kids (Twins, Greg and David) and their Mother ( Christine) with him, I was expecting to stay at a motel or somewhere. Anyhow I stayed with Greg on a hospital bed they had bought for Dad a couple of years ago.

Here is a photo of Greg and David

Greg had had Dads medals mounted and framed along with his OAM certificate, it really looked great.

So Monday came around and of to the funeral. Here is pictures of the day

 Above is my Mums sister - Joan ( now 82) and her daughter Deb with Greg

 Peter delivering the eulogy
 Ashleigh giving a eulogy on behalf of my 3 kids

 So Dad has been laid to rest.I know that in the recent past he looked back on his life and came to the conclusion that family is the most important thing in life. He said that the family had done well and he was proud of each and everyone of them. 

Bye Dad - I will miss you