Sunday 15 June 2014

The Yellow Submarine of Holbrook

Holbrook has done an amazing thing to get itself on the map.
Murray arts decided to do the biggest yarn bombing done so far in Australia. For those of you who dont know what yarn bombing is, this is the best explanation I received. Yarn bombing is going in the mid of night and covering some structure with knitted yarn.
As the submarine is so large, they couldn't do it as it is meant to be done, however they have done a great job. People from all over Australia knitted items for this. they even had people from Scotland where the submarine was constructed send over knitting for it.

It was organised to celebrate 100 years of Submariners in Australia and 50 years since the Beatles first toured Australia.

We had local radio stations and news services here reporting on it. A lot of travellers called off the highway to have a look. The submarine will remain covered until the 12th July.

Here is a photo of how it looks.

Thursday 5 June 2014

It has finally happened !!!!

The motel is sold !!!!!!!

Settlement is to be the 1st July.

I will be staying in Holbrook for a couple of weeks to settle things with the Accountant etc and then will be heading to the Gold Coast to see Ashleigh and Havana. While I am there I will change my licence, catch up with Ben and Michael, which will be great. Would like to be there for a couple of weeks but depends the cost of caravan parks on the Gold Coast. Then onto Noosa (home town) to catch up with a couple of people.
After there, who knows. All I know is that I will be heading north, so no more freezing winters.

It will be sad to leave Holbrook which has been home for 7 years. I have promised people here that I intend to come back every couple of years.

It is also scary to realise that I am now at my own devices. I will have to get to know this bloke Neil and work out what I am going to do for the next 10 years. I dont think I can retire even if I had the money to be able to, (which I don't) because I need to be doing things, being constructive, involved and useful. However having said that I am looking forward to a few months of nothing but reading, fishing , socialising and getting the van into the shape I want it to be.

Talking of the van, the battery charger doesn't work so I have had to buy a new one. Another $500 to be spent on the van. At least I will know everything is ship shape.

Within about 1 month this blog will be getting updated much more regularly as I start my new life.

Join with me as we go through the ups and downs and see Australia.
