Sunday 15 June 2014

The Yellow Submarine of Holbrook

Holbrook has done an amazing thing to get itself on the map.
Murray arts decided to do the biggest yarn bombing done so far in Australia. For those of you who dont know what yarn bombing is, this is the best explanation I received. Yarn bombing is going in the mid of night and covering some structure with knitted yarn.
As the submarine is so large, they couldn't do it as it is meant to be done, however they have done a great job. People from all over Australia knitted items for this. they even had people from Scotland where the submarine was constructed send over knitting for it.

It was organised to celebrate 100 years of Submariners in Australia and 50 years since the Beatles first toured Australia.

We had local radio stations and news services here reporting on it. A lot of travellers called off the highway to have a look. The submarine will remain covered until the 12th July.

Here is a photo of how it looks.

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