Thursday 5 June 2014

It has finally happened !!!!

The motel is sold !!!!!!!

Settlement is to be the 1st July.

I will be staying in Holbrook for a couple of weeks to settle things with the Accountant etc and then will be heading to the Gold Coast to see Ashleigh and Havana. While I am there I will change my licence, catch up with Ben and Michael, which will be great. Would like to be there for a couple of weeks but depends the cost of caravan parks on the Gold Coast. Then onto Noosa (home town) to catch up with a couple of people.
After there, who knows. All I know is that I will be heading north, so no more freezing winters.

It will be sad to leave Holbrook which has been home for 7 years. I have promised people here that I intend to come back every couple of years.

It is also scary to realise that I am now at my own devices. I will have to get to know this bloke Neil and work out what I am going to do for the next 10 years. I dont think I can retire even if I had the money to be able to, (which I don't) because I need to be doing things, being constructive, involved and useful. However having said that I am looking forward to a few months of nothing but reading, fishing , socialising and getting the van into the shape I want it to be.

Talking of the van, the battery charger doesn't work so I have had to buy a new one. Another $500 to be spent on the van. At least I will know everything is ship shape.

Within about 1 month this blog will be getting updated much more regularly as I start my new life.

Join with me as we go through the ups and downs and see Australia.


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