Thursday 17 July 2014

Forbes to Mendooran

Today left Forbes around 9.30. What a way to start the day. Up around 7.30, breakfast and then getting ready. A lot stress. It rained most of the night at Forbes, so was really wet outside this morning.
Glad to get away and started heading to Mendooran. A nice free camp about 500mts from the town. Will go for a walk to town this afternoon and will then have a bit more to report.

A photo of my setup at Mendooran ( there is optus here).

Walked around Mendooran this afternoon, an interesting old country town. Very quiet and some interesting buildings. Thinking of driving straight through to Texas tomorrow ( Friday ) and then spending a couple of days until heading to Brisabne.

Here are some photos of Mendooran city centre.

The days travel

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