Friday 15 November 2013

Bringing it home #2

Woke up early in the morning at Texas and it was a beautiful day.

Sunrise at  Texas from the van

My new best friend John wanted me to come over to his van and have a chat, seeing he was also up early. John is in his seventies and from South Gerringong. While we were talking a guy came over and looked like a REAL swaggie. Well actually he is, he owns a swag and a bag and that is his worldly goods. John had been talking to him last night. His real is Mark but goes by the name Bushie. Very interesting guy, has done a lot of things and is , of course, a bush poet. He gave me a folder he carries with all his cuttings from papers he has appeared in. The photo below is John on the left and Bushie on the right ( as if you couldn't tell). Then there is a second photo I took of a cutting from a paper. Explains Bushie a bit.

So finally got going about 9am Qld time, a bit later than I thought. Started heading to Lake Keepit, and eventually found myself in Bingara again. You will know from previous posts how much I like this town and it was busy today. Had a pie from the pie shop for lunch and continued on to Lake Keepit. Well I had checked out Lake Keepit on Camps Australia and wikicamps but when I got there all the side roads were closed and the road open was to the caravan park. as you know I bought this van so I didn't have to go to caravan parks. Therefore, off I headed and here I am 25k's west of Gunnedah in a rest area. All by myself, hope there is no axe murderers tonight or this will be my last post.

Will try and head to Forbes tomorrow, but as today shows, anything can happen

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