Thursday 4 September 2014

Bauple to Benaraby

Left John and Marg this morning after their special breakfast of eggs poached in gravy, very nice. Boy,is there a  lot of roadworks. Almost all the way. I did approx 400k's today at an average of just over 70 k's per hour .It was very tiring as you had to be aware of roadworks almost all the way.

Arrived at Benaraby about 3pm so have had the first of a couple of beers already. Yum, and much needed. Just had a walk around the area and it is quite nice and a fair few vans etc in already. Talking to guy you had gone down to the river to do a bit of fishing and saw his first crocodile lurking in the water. Needless to say that was the end of his fishing, apparently they dont have too many crocs in Woolongong.

Anyhow this is a couple of photos of the van at Benaraby.

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