Friday 5 September 2014

Benaraby to St Lawrence

The day started early. Up around 7am ( great not to have to get up a 6am anymore) had a look around the campsite and noticed that there was a lot of hiaces etc with one or two people in them. Put everything away and hit the road around 8.30. Did my first fuel fillup of the trip and am averaging 18.5l per 100k. Considering the weight I am towing I am pretty happy with those figures.

There was a fair bit of traffic on the road, particularly into Rockhampton. Ah Rockhampton, I ount how many times i've been to Rocky but was amazed this time as to how the north side has grown. It is starting to get very large.

Anyway, kept heading north on the Marlborough stretch, tryting to avoid holding anyone up. I achieved that. I must tell truckies to stop complaining about caravans and if they see one that has uhf to contact them, simple communication would hopefully reduce the amount of vile coming over the radio about caravans. yep, there is inconsiderate people in all walks of life.

So 320 k's after I left Benaraby I arrived at St Lawrence, arrived at approx. 12.15. It was a good drive today.

Me and my GPS. We used to be such good friends until I updated the maps etc the other day. Today it decides that I shouldn't go the main way into St Lawrence but the goat track of the northern entrance.
See Photo

A good test to find out how well sealed the caravan is. I might have to have a very long talk with the gps and one of us is going to win. I just wish I knew which one it would be.

Here is some photos of where I am camped for tonight. Set the tv up to watch the afl finals tonight. Will be heading up the road tomorrow, just dont know where I will get to.

Today's Travels

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