Thursday 4 September 2014

Brisbane to Bauple

Left Brisbane around 10.30 after 5 weeks with the kids. Will try and get back for Xmas.
It was extremely windy but the caravan held really firm on the road, which made me feel very comfortable.  Bauple is only about 260km from Brisbane so the trip was about 3hrs.
Not much to tell about the trip as it was uneventful until I followed the GPS when I got to Bauple,  it took me up a dirt road that had no through road signs every couple of hundred meters but I kept going. Yep you guessed it, it really was no through road so I had to turn around. You think I would have been smarter.
Spent the afternoon with John and Marg, which was lovely to see them again.
Here are some photos.

John and Marg's house at Bauple

The days travels

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