Wednesday 10 September 2014

St Lawrence to Groper Creek.

Took off early, about 8.30 and was only going to head to north of Mackay. didn't realise how short the journey was going to be, I would have ended up stopping at about 11.30am, so decided to hell with it I will go all the way to Groper Creek. Arrived at around 3.30 so was about 6 and a bit hours travelling. A long way towing a van. I was stuffed when I got here. Only incident was that I almost ran out of fuel between Mackay and Proserpine. Get looking for a decent servo but did find one 30k's short of Proserpine.
This is the furthest north I have been since Jeff Hill and I rode our bikes to Cairns, many many years ago.

When I arrived at Groper Creek I expected to find a sleepy caravan park with not that many people in it. Ha! it was like a fishing comp was on, there was so many vans, boats and people.

The next blog entry I will look  around the park and do some fishing and report back.

This was my trip

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