Friday 3 October 2014

Charters Towers

I spent the day having a walk around Charters Towers. Well what a great town this is. With a long history starting with gold mining to being a major centre for the military in the second world war, it has progressed and progressed. They maintain there historic buildings to an extremely high standard and keep the town neat and tidy. Being only 90 minutes to Townsville, it is not that far from the coast. Talking to one of the women from the info centre, the town is prosperous and no great problems ever seem to happen. I have taken some photos of the old buildings and one looking down the main street. If anyone is coming this way I suggest you stop for a couple of days as it will be worth it.

Here is some photos.

By the way , on my way back to the free camp I found my own street.

Tomorrow I am heading to Prairie, which apparently has a great pub to visit. It will be interesting

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