Wednesday 8 October 2014

Richmond to Mt Isa 2 days

I left Richmond early (as usual), I seem now to wake around 6 in the morning and by 8 to 9 I am ready to move on.
Leaving Richmond at least made me feel better and went through Julia Creek ( seems like a pretty nice place ) then onto Cloncurry, another pretty good looking town. Planned to stop at a place called Corella park about 50k's east of Mt Isa.
At least in this country there is hills, first I have seen for a few days and they are a deep red and Craggy. Really nice scenery for someone like me who has not seen this type of country.

Got to Corella Park and while stopped to look at where I would setup, apparently a rock punctures one of my rear tyres. As I drove off to go to the site I had picked the car sounded really strange. I had only gone about 20 metres and when I had got out to look the tyre had almost come completely off the rim. It didn't look good. Luckily there was another couple there and he helped me change the tyre. It is not easy to change a tyre when the car is sitting on the rim. The temp while I was doing this was bloody hot.
Corella Park is by a dam and should have been nice but there was rubbish everywhere from previous campers. What a mess some people make and I would assume that the council will give up and not allow camping there.

Here is some photos of the place:

It was bloody hot here, at 10.30 at night it was still 36.5. Topped at 39 while I was in the van. The interesting point in this weather is that the solar panels pump in plenty of amps, however the fridge runs almost all the time to try to keep to temperature, so you get lots in and lots out..

I was going to spend a couple of days here, but as it looked like a tip and the tyre had been stuffed I decided to head to Mt Isa so I could get the tyre sorted out and to get to a caravan park and power and airconditioning. Yeh!!!!!!!.
Sitting here now in the reasonable cool and feeling a lot better. Got a really good deal at only $25 per night for a powered site. Will stay here for 3 nights and do some cleaning and maintenance. It has been quite a while since I have had a shower  that lasted longer than 2 minutes. What a luxury. I will also do some washing and fill the water tanks before I leave. 
Will take some photos of Mt Isa tomorrow.

Here is a photo of a monument to Bourke and Wills just outside of Cloncurry.

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