Wednesday 10 October 2012

Day 10  and final Gold Coast trip

Had a good nights sleep, apart from the bandicoot who decided to rummage through my rubbish at 1am in the morning. Couldn't put up with it anymore so got up, picked up the spread rubbish and put it in the car.

As normal I was up at sunrise with the thought I will get away early. Duh! forgot about daylight saving. Thought I would get back to Holbrook around 2pm but it turned out to be approx 3.30 pm.

Nothing interesting in the drive and as I have done it countless times you just seem to go into a trance like state. Today was about 880kms.

Here is the map:

So, there probably will not be anymore blog entries until I travel next time. But some information from this trip.

I drove 4952kms in 10 days.

I stayed at a motel the first night for $99
Stayed at Emerald for $27 (GRRRR) for a piece of dirt.

I spent 3 nights free camping for $0

I estimate that I saved $200 net on this trip by buying the cot bed and bits and pieces and not staying in motels. I will do it again next time I travel.

All good practice for when I end up on the road full-time.

Day 9 Gold Coast Trip

Spent sometime yesterday packing the car and making sure everything was good.
Left the Gold Coast to head to Coopernook Forest Park, just north of Taree.

Had a very uneventful trip down with plenty of traffic. Was about 40k's north of Coopernook when I noticed a car facing me about 200mts away. The car was on the side of the road so as I moved over to go past I noticed that there was vegetation over the middle lane of the road. Apparently he had come across from the north bound lanes, through the median strip and ended up facing the wrong way on the south bound lanes. He and the car looked in perfect condition , so I kept heading on my way.

My GPS still has updated for the new road works, so adjusted where it wanted me to go to be able to find Coopernook FP. It is about 3-4km from the road, but a really nice place. The dirt road going in was fine, just take your time. Plenty of people there but nowhere near crowded.

Set up the cot tent with a fly that I had bought on the weekend as it looked like there was going to be rain.

Here are some photos:

Here is the travel for the day:

Day 8 Gold Coast Trip

Spent the day on the Gold Coast to recover from the trip north. The wind on Saturday was amazing, must have been 50 -60 knts. Greg was not here so just relaxed. Treated myself to pizza on Saturday night.

Sunday brought some relief. Had a phone call from Greg that the nursing home was organising a way for me to see Dad even thought they were still in lock down.

Arranged to see Dad at 3pm. It was good that we had a 20 minute chat and then he was getting tired so I took him back inside. At least I got to talk to him and we agreed that I would be back up for his birthday on the 16th December ( he will be 89 then).

Saturday 6 October 2012

Day 7 Gold Coast Trip

Got up early this morning, about 5.45am. Had a coffee and headed off. The tent cot is just so easy to pack up. Drove to Gin Gin, fueled and off. Nothing to report apart from an amazing amount of roadworks on the Bruce Highway, be prepared to travel at about 80kms for most the way. Not being in hurry, it didn't bother me. Got back to the Gold Coast, Greg is still on the Sunshine Coast, so I rang Dad. Still in lockdown till at least Wednesday. I think I will head off on Monday, stop at Coopernook Forest park near Taree.

Thought I would throw in a picture from the unit as it is a great day on the Gold Coast, and I have very little to say.


Here is todays drive and for anyone interested, I have traveled 1903km's in 4 days and my accommodation cost excluding meals is $27.00 - not bad eh?

Day 6 Gold Coast Trip

Picked up Ashleigh and took her to work. I plan to drive to somewhere around Gladstone to Gin Gin today. Well the day got off to a good start with saying goodbye to a family in the caravan park I had spent some time with, fueled up and off to the next camp. Cruising along the highway I still cant believe how towns have changed over the years, Blackwater is so much bigger and more modern than it used to be, Dauringa has what looks like a brand new motel. Don't tell me that mining doesn't have an enormous impact on regional communities.
Got to Comet and I had seen to sign to Liechardts dig tree when I was heading to Emerald but didn't have time to stop ( or I am not used to stopping when I am travelling) so I decided to call in. If I remember rightly it was is 1847 expedition to North Queensland, however they abandoned it and returned to the Darling Downs. Under the tree they left a powder box with messages about when they where there and when they would be returning ( you think they would have just texted, probably no reception). the tree is of course behind wire , so I did my best with the phone. Must get a better camera than the phone.

Plaque at from of display - Comet

actual tree - cant see dig sign anymore

So left Comet and headed on my merry way just cruising along listening to books. That is until I am about 50k's from Rocky. I see this police car on the side of the road and as I am not speeding or anything just keep cruising. He follows me with lights on. Not thinking he was after me I kept driving, however the flashing lights and siren soon made me aware it was me he wanted to stop. Pulled up on the side of the road, got out, more inquisitive than anything else and he asks me do I know the date of my registration, shit, I knew it was a couple of days over. anyhow to make a long story short, $264.00 fine, 1 1/2hrs to get to Rocky and pay my rego ($700) and I am on my way to find a camp for the night. Looked in CAW6 and planned to go to Granite Creek rest area about 35k's south of Miriam Vale. It is ok, but the toilets were disgusting, couldn't use them. With picnic tables there however I could set everything up and was most comfortable.

Cedar Creek Rest Area CAW6 #115
Tomorrow I am back to the Gold Coast.

Travel for today:

Thursday 4 October 2012

Day 5 Gold Coast trip

Had a great nights sleep in the cot tent. Thanks Michael. They are a great idea. I intend to use when I go to places where I can't take a caravan to.
Went down to the waters edge this morning and took a photo of mist on the water. Hope the photo does it justice.

Met up with Ashleigh. Had not seen her for quite a while so was really good to catch up. It has been years since we could sit down and have a one on one talk. I miss not being able to be a big part of my kids life.
Anyway the trip from Gayndah to Emerald was uneventful. It has been about 25 years since I have been through this country. The mining has made an incredible difference in those years. Emerald is almost unreconisible now.

Just a sidenote, booked into a caravan park in Emerald. $27 for a upowered tent site (which is just a bit of dry dirt). If it had not been for seeing Ashleigh would have free camped at the gardens. Would have been nicer.
I am posting from my phone so I can't see where the photos end up.
Here is todays track

Day 4 Gold Coast trip

With dad still in lockdown, I decided to head halfway to emerald in case Ashleigh called and I could get to see her. Having picked up the cot tent from Michael, I packed up some basic camping gear and headed to Claude Wharton weir free camp at Gayndah. I have not been to Gayndah for maybe 35 years so am interested to see it. Drove from the Gold Coast to Kilkivan and up the Burnett highway to Gayndah. I was about 90k's from Gayndah when I turned off the audiobook and decided to wind down the window and just cruise along taking in the smells and sights. Made a very relaxing drive. I have always been a driver who has a destination and has to get there asap. So it was hard for me to do but i really enjoyed just cruising along and soaking up the country.
Here is a couple of snaps I took on the road.

Got to Gayndah and it was just as I remembered it. a sleepy Queensland country town. Bought some batteries that I forgot while packing and headed to Claude Wharton weir. Ended up with the last reasonable site. Looked strange with all the other caravans and motorhomes and me in a small cot tent. Anyway the site is good and apart from working out how to put up the cot tent, I was organised pretty quickly.

Received a text from Ashleigh so I will ring her in the morning and see if I go to Emerald otherwise I am thinking of going through Biggenden and maybe staying a Tiaro on the way back. We will see what happens.

Forgot to my my track in for the day.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Day 3 Gold Coast Trip

Had a good nights sleep and still can not get to see Dad and it looks like being at least Friday before I can.
I decided to go to Brisbane to see my sons Ben and Michael. Ben has just come back from 9 months overseas on an exchange with  a German uni. Michael is working at BCF until next year when he is looking at studying radiography. Anyway, had a great time with them and was really glad to catch up. Bought some stuff from BCF on Michaels discount - well worth it. Here is a photo of the 2 of them today.

Ben and Michael at Hungry Jacks

Trying to ring Ashleigh today and organise to go to Emerald, where she works, to see her and return to the Gold Coast by Friday/Saturday so I can see Dad before I go back. Who knows how this will turn out.
Let everyone know tomorrow.

Monday 1 October 2012

Day 2 Gold Coast Trip

Left Taree around 7.30 this morning after a horrible night with the cold I have got. Couldn't breathe, hopefully Queensland will fix it all up.

Had an easy drive to the Gold Coast. Now that I have audiobooks on my phone it makes long distance driving a breeze. The only downside to it is that you want to keep driving to hear what is going to happen next in the story.

Here is todays drive

Having trouble with google tracks, so will spend sometime on it tomorrow.

Worked out that it is easier to take a screen shot off my phone and then upload it here through google drive. Eureka!!!!!!

dont look at  the max speed, GPS must be wrong

This time I am able to add stats of the trip. This will be useful to look back on for me.

Anyway, after driving 15 hrs over the last 2 days finally get to the nursing home to see Dad , and it is in lockdown due to an out break of gastro. Hopefully we can get in tomorrow.

Day 1 of Gold Coast trip

Left Holbrook around 9.30 in the morning after finishing what I could at the motel.
made it to Bookum rest area before I needed a 1/2hour nap. It has been busy at the motel lately and I didn't realise how tired I was. Bookum rest area is on the Hume highway and would be a good overnight stop if you dont mind a bit of noise.  As I currently sleep 10 metres from the Hume at the motel, I didn't have a problem. Took these couple of photos on the phone, and that is about all there is a Bookum.

An uneventful trip from Bookum to Taree. Booked into the Golden Chain there ( in town motor inn) and it was a nice motel. Went to the Taree Aquatic Club across the road to see the end of the ARL Grand Final, but by that stage it was all but over. Anyway here is a map of the days travels.

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