Wednesday 10 October 2012

Day 9 Gold Coast Trip

Spent sometime yesterday packing the car and making sure everything was good.
Left the Gold Coast to head to Coopernook Forest Park, just north of Taree.

Had a very uneventful trip down with plenty of traffic. Was about 40k's north of Coopernook when I noticed a car facing me about 200mts away. The car was on the side of the road so as I moved over to go past I noticed that there was vegetation over the middle lane of the road. Apparently he had come across from the north bound lanes, through the median strip and ended up facing the wrong way on the south bound lanes. He and the car looked in perfect condition , so I kept heading on my way.

My GPS still has updated for the new road works, so adjusted where it wanted me to go to be able to find Coopernook FP. It is about 3-4km from the road, but a really nice place. The dirt road going in was fine, just take your time. Plenty of people there but nowhere near crowded.

Set up the cot tent with a fly that I had bought on the weekend as it looked like there was going to be rain.

Here are some photos:

Here is the travel for the day:

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