Monday 1 October 2012

Day 2 Gold Coast Trip

Left Taree around 7.30 this morning after a horrible night with the cold I have got. Couldn't breathe, hopefully Queensland will fix it all up.

Had an easy drive to the Gold Coast. Now that I have audiobooks on my phone it makes long distance driving a breeze. The only downside to it is that you want to keep driving to hear what is going to happen next in the story.

Here is todays drive

Having trouble with google tracks, so will spend sometime on it tomorrow.

Worked out that it is easier to take a screen shot off my phone and then upload it here through google drive. Eureka!!!!!!

dont look at  the max speed, GPS must be wrong

This time I am able to add stats of the trip. This will be useful to look back on for me.

Anyway, after driving 15 hrs over the last 2 days finally get to the nursing home to see Dad , and it is in lockdown due to an out break of gastro. Hopefully we can get in tomorrow.

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