Thursday 4 October 2012

Day 5 Gold Coast trip

Had a great nights sleep in the cot tent. Thanks Michael. They are a great idea. I intend to use when I go to places where I can't take a caravan to.
Went down to the waters edge this morning and took a photo of mist on the water. Hope the photo does it justice.

Met up with Ashleigh. Had not seen her for quite a while so was really good to catch up. It has been years since we could sit down and have a one on one talk. I miss not being able to be a big part of my kids life.
Anyway the trip from Gayndah to Emerald was uneventful. It has been about 25 years since I have been through this country. The mining has made an incredible difference in those years. Emerald is almost unreconisible now.

Just a sidenote, booked into a caravan park in Emerald. $27 for a upowered tent site (which is just a bit of dry dirt). If it had not been for seeing Ashleigh would have free camped at the gardens. Would have been nicer.
I am posting from my phone so I can't see where the photos end up.
Here is todays track

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