Wednesday 10 October 2012

Day 10  and final Gold Coast trip

Had a good nights sleep, apart from the bandicoot who decided to rummage through my rubbish at 1am in the morning. Couldn't put up with it anymore so got up, picked up the spread rubbish and put it in the car.

As normal I was up at sunrise with the thought I will get away early. Duh! forgot about daylight saving. Thought I would get back to Holbrook around 2pm but it turned out to be approx 3.30 pm.

Nothing interesting in the drive and as I have done it countless times you just seem to go into a trance like state. Today was about 880kms.

Here is the map:

So, there probably will not be anymore blog entries until I travel next time. But some information from this trip.

I drove 4952kms in 10 days.

I stayed at a motel the first night for $99
Stayed at Emerald for $27 (GRRRR) for a piece of dirt.

I spent 3 nights free camping for $0

I estimate that I saved $200 net on this trip by buying the cot bed and bits and pieces and not staying in motels. I will do it again next time I travel.

All good practice for when I end up on the road full-time.

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